July 10, 2012

Who and How Many are We

Robin Barry said in The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 18, 2009, that  the journal's survey if 625 adjuncts in Chicago area colleges found that "despite the fact that 80 percent of the adjuncts who responded said part-time teaching earned them $20,000 a year or less, an overwhelming number said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs."   About half said part-time teaching worked well with the other demands on their time and in their lives.  Read the whole article here

We Used to Joke About Driving Taxis and Waiting Tables

It has been almost two years since his site's stat counter told one former English major that most new visitors had found his blog because they had searched using the phrase  "Ph.D. in English Useless Destroyed My Life."

June 29, 2012


Adjunct Faculty Handbook

 by Lorri E. Cooper and Bryan A. Booth

April 23, 2012

Adjunct Diary

I'm Starting a course through Coursera and have started the detail page at Syllabus13.blogspot.com